Discuss Research Into Daily Hassles as a Source of Stress

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There has been a lot of research into the effects of daily hassles on stress levels. One study was carried out in 2007 by Bouteyre et al and it investigated the relationship between daily hassles and the mental health of students that are going through the transition period from school to university life. The participants were first year psychology students in a French university and they completed the hassles part of the HSUP and the BDI which were then compared to see if daily hassles did affect stress. The results showed that 41% of the participants displayed symptoms of stress and there was a positive correlation in the results. This shows that daily hassles are a significant factor that effect stress and depression. One criticism of this study is that it is correlation which means no cause and effect can be established from the findings. Another criticism is the lack of population validity, the participants were all French psychology students and this doesn’t apply to everyone so the findings cannot be generalised to the wider population. In 2005, Gervais conducted an experiment into daily hassles and daily uplifts and the effects that they had on stress. To do this he asked some nurses to keep a diary for a month that kept track of all of their daily hassles and uplifts whilst they were working. Over the same period of time they were also asked to rate their own performance at work. When the month came to an end it was found that daily hassles did increase stress in the workplace however, daily uplifts like praise were found to counteract the negative effects of daily hassles. A criticism of this study could be extraneous variables. The daily hassles and uplifts were only considered in the workplace so other factors may have been causing stress and so effecting work performance. Another criticism could be that the results were self-recorded meaning that they

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