Differential Association Social Learning Theory

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A Look into Social Learning Theory & Differential Association Implications in support with Social Learning Theory and Differential Association allow for a modus ponens for the most perspicuous and convincing support on rehabilitative approaches adjunct with the use of correctional treatment in the field of criminology and the supplementation of criminal behaviour patterns. When exposed to a specific subculture (though not implicitly) that carry a significantly different set of values and morals, or even lifestyles orientated towards crime people may eventually adopt them over an extended period of time. The Social Learning Theory, first introduced by Albert Bandura provides an umbrella term for a subset of theories based off the concept…show more content…
Differential associations do however provide an excellent basis and starting point to work from when doing individualistic case studies and work even better as an aid for police, detectives, and other government officials in their search to pinpoint future crimes with suspicion to a specific individual. Criminal acts occur for a wide variety of reasons, most of them spontaneous and unplanned and if social learning theory is to be applied, that would assume a discernible type of sociological algorithm, which cancels out the inartistic nature of everyday crime. In the case of gang crime though, it is clear the social learning theory is applicable, but perhaps not to individualistic, spontaneous crime. Social learning theory and differential association have proven to be empirically supported and are further emerging as one of the most efficient ways of determining new and better ways to approach contemporary crime over generations. More widely used by criminologists every day, social learning theories can be used to bring forth proven methods of rehabilitation and correctional treatments now that criminology myths and misrepresentative data is beginning to be disproven. There is a lot of potential for differential association and social learning theory to break down into more subtheories as diversity grows and both specific and general patterns in criminal behaviour, acts, and attitude present themselves. Both Cullen et al. and Burton et al. have paved way for future, more progressive empirical research extending the validity of differential

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