Describe The Three Steps Of The Decontamination Process

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2.1 Describe the three steps of the decontamination process Decontamination is the combination of processes including cleaning, disinfection and sterilization, which are used to make reusable medical device safe for further use on patients and for handling by staff. The purpose of decontamination is to prevent spread of micro-organisms and other contaminants that may threaten the health of human beings, animals or damage the environment. Decontamination is most commonly used in medical environments, including dentistry, surgery and veterinary science, in the process of food preparation, in environmental science and in forensic Every workplace have to have the decontamination policy The purpose of the policy is to keep patients, staff and visitors safe by ensure them that all reusable medical devices are properly decontaminated prior to use and that the risks associated with decontamination facilities and processes are well managed. All staff involved in the decontamination process must have access to this policy Cleaning…show more content…
Such records should include a description of any loads processed, cycle parameters, product release with details of routine testing and maintenance of equipment

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