Dem 313 Essay

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Dementia Care Practice DEM 313 By recognising and respecting an individual’s heritage we are putting the person at the centre of the care. We are embracing the fact that they are an individual with unique experiences and history. We are respecting their diversity and their culture. By working in this way we are working with the legal requirement of equality, diversity and discrimination. When an older person is diagnosed with dementia there are various support services available for both the individual and their family. It is almost expected that an older person will have dementia and is considered the way in which people age. Older people have very different needs to a younger person, older people have care services that they can use to help them with day to day life such as personal care, cooking, cleaning, medication etc. Older people are less like to have a large group of friends with which they socialise with on a regular basis. If a younger person is diagnosed with dementia it is more unusual. There is less support for the younger person as it is not the norm, there are not many support groups available for the individual or their family. Young people’s needs are different to that of the older generation. Younger people are likely to have a larger group of friends that they socialise with and they may feel that this will be taken away. For a younger person it may be harder to accept the fact that they will need help with things such as personal care etc. If a person with learning difficulties is diagnosed with dementia there will have to extra support and services made available as this will change their needs even more. There are often delays in diagnosing dementia in a person with learning difficulties as the symptoms are often disguised by the original condition. It does not matter what ethnic
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