Current Trends In Acute Care

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CURRENT TRENDS This is an assignment based on a care study of a client whose care I was Involved in an acute care setting. The care study includes a description of the client and presenting mental illness, assessment tools utilized and interpersonal skills utilized and description of care planning process. Farai is a black male of Afro Caribbean origin single unemployed male aged 25 diagnosed with severe depression following admission in an acute unit. Farai was living with his mother, two young sisters and step father before being admitted in hospital. For the protection of clients` identity and confidential information Farai is not the clients ` original name. The patient confidentiality and access to health records policy (DOH 2003)…show more content…
The international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems 10th revision (ICD-10 2007) describes that in typical mild, moderate and severe depressive episodes as a patient suffering from the lowering of mood, reduction of energy and a decrease in activity, capacity for enjoyment, interest and concentration is reduced and marked tiredness. Other associated symptoms include sleep disturbance, a diminished appetite and some ideas of guilt or worthlessness are often present. Farai had attempted suicide by administering himself with an unknown amount of insulin and was admitted initially in general hospital before being engaged with mental services. The rationale for the admission in an acute hospital setting was for Farai to be assessed, for health and safety concerns and his family members were concerned about his well being. The National Service framework for mental health (NSF 1999) standard 4 states that clients with severe mental illness should have access to a range of effective mental health services they need and prompt as well as effective help if a crisis does occurs. The NSF (DOH 1999) also notes that there are over 4000 deaths…show more content…
The Nursing Process was utilized in delivering care to Farai, using the Care Program Approach framework (CPA) which is a Framework for the delivery of secondary mental health care services described as demanding effective provision of integrated health and Social care services to adult service users Kirby et al (2004 p.159) Fortinash and Holoday -Worret (1999) describe the nursing process as a multidimensional, Cyclic approach in which data is collected, Critically analyzed and Incorporated into the clients` treatment plan taking into consideration the Client` fluctuating health and

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