Cu3087 Essay

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Cu3087 lead Person Centred Practice. . 1.1 Explain person centred practice Person centred practice is a term used to describe several methods of providing health and social care to service users where the emphasis, of that care, is based on the personal empowerment of individuals. It encourages the involvement of non professionals (family and friends) in the planning process. The focus is on the choices. Traditionally social care providers have based their care models on groups of people and more often than not on resources available to them. It tended to assume that individuals with similar disabilities or illnesses could be cared for and supported somewhat universally with little regard to the individual. Person centre practice, however, aims to treat each person as an individual, having requirements, goals and ambitions unique to them and once these are known and understood then their care and support can be made to suit them. 1.2 Critically review approaches to person centred practice. Person centred practice is needs led, in that it should cover every aspect of an individuals health and social care requirements. There are many different approaches to delivering PCP. Several different models for delivering PCP have been developed and while each can be very useful they may also have their drawbacks and so careful consideration has to be given to which method is used for each individual. A brief review of two common approaches to PCP is given below. PATH - this approach can be used when a person feels 'stuck', has a problem to solve and to create short and long term goals. While this approach recognises a persons needs, strengths, preferences and dreams it can be difficult to achieve if the individual lacks motivation and ambition or is in disagreement with their assessment. MAP - is an approach that is similar in its structure to PATH
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