Critical Evaluation Essay: Arrogance of Power

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ENGL102 Cover Letter I chose to critically evaluate the Fulbright article because of the relevancy of his argument to current policies on America’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. As in the Vietnam War, American lives have been lost in a War on Terror that has become a humanitarian mission to instill peace and a system of government in a nation not our own. I wanted to explore Fulbright’s argument in order to develop historical insight and to better understand America’s willingness to enter conflict in another nation. Fulbright’s argument presented an alternative to conflict, and the loss of American lives. On that alone I was willing to support his perspective, but needed to critically evaluate it as a credible argument. I wanted to prove that through Fulbright’s argument there was an alternative to involvement in conflict. I learned in my critical evaluation that even though it is desirable not to get involved in war, and not sacrifice American lives, that Fulbright does not provide a reasonable alternative. It was a difficult conclusion to reach. I had to overcome my own bias on the issue and examine objectively each aspect and implication of Fulbright’s argument. In itself, critically evaluating the argument was excruciating. Still, being able to apply the critical thinking of the lesson and examine the argument from the perspective of how it achieves the purpose of persuading an audience was rewarding. Critical Evaluation Essay: Arrogance of Power In “The Arrogance of Power” Senator J. W. Fulbright discusses his opposition to America’s tendency to involve itself in the affairs of other nations, specifically South Vietnam. He argues that great nations should refrain from direct involvement, whether politically or through military action. It is a persuasive argument with an appeal to his credibility as the Chairman of the Senate
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