Critical Analysis On: The Sound Of Thunder

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Critical Analysis on: A Sound of Thunder In all of the assigned readings, I found a remarkable connection to Ray Bradbury’s, The Sound of Thunder. There is undoubtedly a powerful and underlying theme in this fictional satire that cannot be disputed. That being, the delicate balance between man and nature, and the detrimental need to preserve every aspect of our fragile ecology. In a masterful effort to support this ideology Bradbury writes to life an image of his character Eckel; an avid fan in the sport of hunting who places little value on species preservation. He places this man in a unique scenario of time travel in which Eckel and two other hunters, will have the opportunity to hunt for the most savage pre-historic reptile known to man. As the hunters make their way through time, Bradbury begins to foreshadow the underlying plot through his character Travis. Using relevant moments of history and hypothetical situations, this safari leader begins to elucidate the delicate equilibrium of time travel and the ecological need for each hunter to remain on the man suspended path at all times. As the safari progresses, Deckle’s soon realizes that in his wasteful need of sport he has in fact put himself in a dangerous and life threatening situation. At first encounter with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Eckel's immediately disobeys the safari leaders warnings and jumps from the suspended path; planting his feet into the earth of time passed. In this mere instance, Eckel's destroys a mere butterfly and in which changes the very essence and structure in the evolution of man. Furthermore, not only does this action change the structure and evolution of man, but also influences current events and behavioral

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