Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"

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Cormac McCarthy’s The Road has been labeled with many honorable titles, such as a National Best Seller, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and finally the winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2007. Yet the question remains, what makes the book worthy of such awards? The reasoning seems to be that McCarthy brings to life a world that no one else could have ever imagined possible, but that world he created could one day ultimately become a reality. His post-apocalyptic vision brought the world as we know it back to the savage and barbaric ways we humans abandoned so long ago Thus making The Road a majestically evoking experience for its readers. There are so many books and films that try to portray the end of the world, but no other has done so as Corrmac McCarthy has. The book is about the journey to no where unparticular taken by a father and his young son over numerous months across a landscape of what was at one time the world we live in. But in ways unknown to the reader the world was conformed into a destructed living hell. Whatever cataclysmic event took place ended up destroying most of civilization and life on earth, and what remains of human civilization now consists mainly of cannibals and their quarry. Human life was scarce and those that are left go to any extents to survive. They must spend their days trying to make it south so they can escape the freezing cold weather and perhaps a better source of food. The refugees must scavenge for any type of canned foods or other necessary supplies. The novel describes how ash covers the earths surface, and fills the atmosphere, making the sun and moon mere objects of the imagination. McCarthy makes The Road seem like a real possibility for our future. He uses very vivid and graphic details. One particular thing that stands out in McCarthy’s novel is his outlandish sense of description, he
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