Construct a Reasoned Case for or Against the Following Recommendation

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“Only experienced climber should be permitted on Everest above 8000 metres; and commercial expeditions – where clients pay professionals to assist them to reach the summit – should be prohibited.” People should be allowed to continue to climb to the summit of Everest if they want to, provided they follow all the safety procedures and have the financial means to join a well-organised expedition. Firstly, it is clear that commercial expeditions consisting of inexperienced climbers have not made summiting more dangerous. This is supported by Document C, which shows that the proportion of fatalities has been falling whilst commercial interest has been increasing. Some might argue that this is a result of the technological advancements that have occurred over the past few decades, but it is important to note that the application of this technology is funded by the commercialisation of mountain climbing. Thus, stopping commercial expeditions may in fact make summiting Everest less feasible and more dangerous, as professionals will no longer have paying clients. Some might maintain that commercial expeditions above 8000 metres should be prohibited because they are unsafe. Document A, for example, points out that many inexperienced, physically unfit and inadequately equipped individuals are attempting to summit Everest. This, however, merely demonstrates that better preparation, professional assistance and safety measures need to be implemented, and does not necessarily mean that commercial expeditions should be stopped altogether. For example, the ability of individuals to endure the ‘death zone’ could be assessed so that only those deemed capable could continue. Furthermore, everyone has a right to make their own life choices – be it concerning their expenses or their safety. Document B takes issues with the fact that people ‘pay thousands of pounds’ to summit

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