Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study

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ASSINGMENT 1 BUS 520 Argue for the use of Consensual Relationship Agreements (CRAs) in your current (or future) workplace. A Consensual Relationship Agreement (CRA) is essentially a written “contract” in which the romantically involved parties acknowledge the following: Their relationship is voluntary and consensual, they agree to abide by the employers antidiscrimination , anti-harassment, and workplace conduct policies, they promise to report any perceived harassment to management, if it occurs, they agree to behave professionally and not allow the relationship to affect their work performance, they agree to avoid behavior that offends others in the workplace and they agree to not engage in any favoritism (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011). This is especially vital when one person is of higher ranking and has the authority to influence opportunities to other employees. A majority of companies do not have any policy in place. The dynamics of the workplace was jeopardized because several people dated romantically. However, most companies now have policies against supervisors and managers engaging in relationships with subordinates; the CRA will acknowledge this union and take the decision of promoting the subordinate out of the hands of the supervisor or manager he/she is involved with. Management and subordinate relationships have been known to be disruptive of key positioning and of the ethical infrastructure that ensures the equal opportunity that is guaranteed to all employees through corporate policy. The Consensual Relationship Agreement also protects the employer and employees in sexual harassment claims, by providing documented proof of consensual interaction signed between both parties. Sexual Harassment has been one of the largest issues that employers face; but the CRA gives documentation of non-professional romantic relationships which exist
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