Conjoined Twins Essay

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To Separate or Not Conjoined twins are identical twins born with their bodies joined at some point because the ovum from which the twins developed did not divide completely. Out of approximately every 400,000 births, four are conjoined, more males than females, although females are more likely to be born alive. Of the four, three will die within twenty-four hours. Of the remaining set of twins, 70% of them will either die or they will live out their lives medically challenged. The very low survival rate for conjoined twins is between 5% and 25% so to meet conjoined twins that survived is a rare occasion. If they do make it there is the lingering question parents don’t ever want to make- separate the twins or leave them together to live a life of struggle and pain. They would never able to do something as simple as being alone on the other hand if they share vital organs separation could cause death. For some parents the risk is worth the consequences and it pays off to everyone’s advantage. They feel that the twin’s quality of life will greatly improve after separation. The first conjoined twins to be successfully separated in "modern" times are generally believed to be Catherine and Caroline Mouton of Louisiana, born joined at the lower back and separated in 1953 at 8 days old. Both survived the operation, but Catherine committed suicide in 1985. ( In order for a conjoined twin to be separated they each need the essential organs to survive. About 200 to date have been successfully separated and are usually performed at a very young age. Medical improvements allow this and it’s also good in helping with their psychological recovery. The first successful brain separation was on Elisa and Lisa Hensen at 19 years old. Lisa has brain damage and is in a wheelchair but both are doing fine in Salt Lake City, Utah. Although

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