Concepts of Intelligence

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Concepts of intelligence Student Name Allied American University Author Note This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME], Concepts of intelligence, taught by [INSERT INSTRUCTOR’S NAME]. PART TWO Concepts of intelligence Intelligence has most extensively been studied in humans, and has also been experimental in nonhuman animals and plants. Artificial intelligence has also been applied in simulating intelligence in machines. Human intelligence This is the intellectual capability of humans characterised by the consciousness, perception, self-awareness and preferences. Human beings have the cognitive abilities to form concepts, learn, understand and even be able to apply new logics and reasoning. These include the capacity to recognise patterns, be able to plan, solve problems, and help in making desirable and appropriate decisions. Human intelligence is also applied in comprehension of ideas and enables humans to think accurately and experience different aspects of the world. Human intelligence is basically important in self-protection as well as seeking advantage over other creations. Human intelligence is also applicable in developing a skill that is instrumental in achieving the targets of an individual within a sociocultural context through capitalisation of strengths and correcting the emerging weaknesses in the modern psychology (Sternberg & Salter 1982). Animal and plant intelligence A study on mental ability of certain species of animals and comparing the abilities with other species has been on increase. The psychological studies done by scientists has been revolving around the various methods of solving problems and even verbal reasoning and numerical abilities to reasoning for animals. The only problem that has been very difficult is in the comparison of intelligence of the humans who are literate to that of illiterate animals and
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