Comparison Between the Tsar of Russia and Vladmir Lenin

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Revolutions Essay Vladimir Lenin took power of Russia in 1917 when he stormed the Winter Palace with his troops and overthrew the Provisional Government. This was sometime after the Tsars abdication in February that year. Although Lenin claimed from the beginning that he would make Russia a haven for all people in which everyone was equal and there would be no injustice, it soon became evident that he was simply another Tsar with complete power over all affairs. Lenin’s dismissal of the constituent assembly in January 1918 is a great example of how he was no different to the man he succeeded as ruler of the Russian state. Before the elections Lenin repeatedly stated that the assembly was of utmost importance to the future of Russia and so allowed the elections to continue. After the votes had been counted it became obvious that the Bolsheviks did not represent the majority of Russians as they had claimed. In response to this political defeat Lenin simply ordered his troops to force the elected representatives out and closed the assembly. This event shows Lenin’s refusal to accept input from any political party other than his own Bolsheviks. It displays Lenin’s striking similarity to the way the Tsar reacted to political pressure from opposing ideologies and factions. In other words, he simply illustrated that he was not the democratic and just leader he made himself out to be before the Revolution. The formation of the Red Army and Cheka also demonstrated Lenin’s likeness to the Tsar on many occasions after the takeover of the Winter Palace. Both bodies were significant instruments of Terror and both stringently enforced compliance to the communist government by committing atrocities against both the White Armies and dissident Worker and peasants. These atrocities included things such as torture, imprisoning the wives of enemies and seriously wounding prisoners
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