Comparison Between the French Revolution and the 25th of Jan Egyptian Revolution

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Following in the footsteps of the American Revolution and several other wars, as most historians would call the most awful event that might have happened in Europe, the French revolution had begun. Located in France, and took place in 1789, on July 14th. Lasted for up to ten years. Initiated by the people of France. The causes of the revolution were generally, the government’s system, the taxation, the privileges of the nobles, and the king’s authority. Also the influence of the philosophers and writers such as Voltaire and Montesquieu. They used to criticize the king’s behaviour and his regime. Finally, France had gone into bankruptcy because of it’s endless participation in passed wars. On the other hand, the 25th of January revolution of Egypt was first initiated by a terrorist bombing in a church in Alexandria on New Years Eve. Egyptians led this revolution and demanded change. This revolution lasted for 18 days until President Hosni Mubarak had been ousted. It was a diverse movement of demonstrations, marches, plaza occupations, riots, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and labor strikes. Millions of protesters participated during these movements, from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds. The diversity during the movement made it easier for Egyptians to stand together and form great unity. This revolution took place in all of Egypt’s major squares. It was somewhat non-violent because it wasn’t very bloody but a large number of people got hurt. There were violent clashes between security forces and protesters resulted in at least 846 people killed and 6,000 injured. Protesters also burned up to 90 police stations. Protests took place in Cairo, Alexandria, and in other cities in Egypt. This revolution was in fact referred to in many ways such as, the 25 January Revolution, Freedom Revolution, Rage Revolution or

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