Comparing Tissues Essay

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Comparing tissues – Muscle and connective Tissue There are many types of tissues in the body which all have specialised functions and interacts with the structure and function of the organs. The main types are muscle tissue and connective tissue. Muscle tissue is highly specialised for contractions which, when attached to the skeleton, allows your body to move. Muscle tissue can also be attached to the wall of hollow organs and the contractions cause them to move, this is called a peristaltic movement. The bulk of the cytoplasmic volume inside the tissue is the contractile protein, fibrils actin and myosin. They have a good blood supply as they need lots of oxygen for respiration which enables them to contract repeatedly and function correctly. They have four main functions: - to maintain posture - to stabilise joints - movement - to produce heat There are 2 types of muscle tissue which have different functions: - cardiac - skeletal Cardiac muscle is the muscle found in the walls of the heart and is instinctively contractile but is kept regulated by autonomic and hormonal stimuli. It is a highly specialised involuntary muscle as the contractions are not consciously controlled as they are constantly happening due to its continuous aerobic metabolism. They contract to squeeze deoxygenated blood out of the heart, via the pulmonary artery, and then relax to allow the oxygenated blood to fill the heart, via the pulmonary veins then go to the whole body. This process is repeated constantly throughout your life and is responsible for circulating blood around the body however, the timing of an individual’s heart stimulation is different for everybody and is determined by specific cells known as the pacemaker cells in the heart. Skeletal muscle is a voluntary muscle as

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