Muscle System Paper

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The Muscle System: Muscle Injuries The anatomy of the human body is extremely large, and diverse. A human body is organized into cells which form tissues, tissues that form organs, organs that form systems, and eventually the systems which form organisms. There are thousands of cells and tissues. In additions, the human body contains 11 different systems; the circulatory system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the immune system, the lymphatic system, the muscular system, the nervous system, the reproductive system, the respiratory system, the skeletal system, and the urinary system. The human body depends on all 11 systems to function. However, the muscle system is particularly important. Without the muscle system, the human body would not be able to perform simple every day tasks. The functions of the muscle system are motion, movement of substances within the body, stabilizing body positions and regulating organ volume, and heat production. Motion allows the human body to walk, run, and perform localized movements. Localized movements are simple movements such as, texting or waving. Movement of substances through the body depend on contractions from cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle tissue to move blood through the heart and blood vessels, food through the gastrointestinal tract, sperm and ova through the reproductive system, and urine through the urinary system. Skeletal body positions and regulating organ volume depend on contractions from different muscle tissue to maintain the body in stable positions, sitting or standing. Sustained contractions from postural muscles take place always when a person is awake. An example of a sustained contraction is, when the neck muscles contract to hold the head straight up. Storage of food in the stomach, and storage of urine in the bladder is feasible because smooth muscles close of the exit routes. As
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