Compare and Contrast Ottoman and Mughal Empire

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Compare and contrast Social: Ottoman turks: * Each millet, or nation, inside the empire had separate social customs in accordance with the religion of the millet * Muslim women had harsh restrictions as with Islamic law, but the non-muslim women were subject to separate laws * Even muslim woman had more right than in other muslim nations Mughals * Hindu population had been threatened by the ruling muslims * Akbar who was originally muslim gave the hindu more rights Political: Ottoman: * The ottoman empire was the most successful at maintaining power for a longer time. It was able to survive until modern time. The two other empires collapsed by the 17th century * The leader of the ottoman turks was known as the sultan which was similar to an emperor. It was hereditary * Islamic law was applied to all Muslims Mughals: * Even though the population was predominately hindu most high government positions were held by muslims * Functioned by dynasties, and leadership was hereditary. This created power struggles between the military and the power family which led to their demise. Examples would be the struggle between Shah Jahan’s sons * Another main factor in the demise of the empire was when the british got a seat on the imperial court of Agra Religion: * Governments in all 3 were muslim based * Mughals were the only group that was not predominately muslim, muslims were only a small minority * ottomans were sunni muslims * ottoman titles were claimed to be caliphs * they maintained Islamic law called sandri’a * only applied to ottoman muslims * ottoman minorities were mostly greek orthodox jews * muslims were prohibited from adopting other faiths * each group was organized into administrative unit called millet (nations) * woman were treated much like other woman in

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