Compairing and Contrasting “Cask of Amontillado” and “One of These Days.

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Compare and Contrast Essay The element of revenge is found in many storylines; in most the reason for the need of revenge is normally known. The theme of revenge is prominent in several ways in the “Cask of Amontillado” and “One of These Days.” Although the two have a single driven purpose for revenge it is never truly revealed to the readers. With this being said the two may have that in common they truly differ in several noticeable ways. In “The Cask of Amontillado” the main character, Montressor, has carefully planned out his revenge he seeks on Fortunado. Montressor having planned his revenge carefully sent his servants away for the evening, telling them that he would not be home until the morning time. By doing so he had ensured that no one would be there to stop him. Another way it is apparent Montressor has planned the untimely disappearance of Fortunado is how well he was able to lure Fortunado into following him. Montressor had a story that was perfectly attuned to the character of Fortunado, the task of testing a wine. Fortunado having already been drinking readily agreed to follow who he assumed was a friend but little did he know that he was following a man with a plan. The final thing that shows that Montressor had a plan is how well he orchestrated it. All of the utensils he would need to put Fortunado in a tomb of death were already placed along the way of the catacombs. The wines that Montressor more than willingly accepted from Montressor had been placed, as well as the chains, stones, and mortar. Montressor also willingly displays the foreshadowing item that would be the tool that would forever entrap Fortunado, a trowel. Unlike the “Cask of Amontillado”, the story “One of These Days” main character Aurelio Escovar does not have a set plan for his revenge. He is simply a dentist who is described as to working in a poor dentistry practice.

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