Commercialization of Transplants

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It is indisputable that there is a shortage of organs for transplantation. In many cases, such as kidney transplantation, the successful transplant should result in substantial savings of medical expenditure on on-going treatment, which would otherwise be necessary should a transplant not be available (Pickover, 2012). Commercialization of transplants spurs a debate as to whether human body should be viewed as a collection of potential parts to help others. There has been need for transplant even to unrelated persons since the first transplant was success and this has been achieved by technological advancements. Commercialization of these transplants brings up ethical considerations which should examine various procedures that might be formulated to control the exercise. As a matter of fact, commercializing transplants is been pushed forward by medical experts and desperate patients who can do anything to possible to maintain life even if it exceeds the boundaries of medical developments The research shows reasons why some people support commercialization of organ transplant whole others don’t. It is argued that, supporting life is ethical and most valuable aspect which should be upheld at all possible situations. If organ transplant is possible and the medical experts approve its success, then it should be carried out to save lives of the desperately sick individuals. Another support is that commercializing organ transplant will create equity to the access of the organs because they are scarce. These will stabilize the gap between the rich and the poor. This equality eliminates the leverage by the wealthy on their socioeconomic status to gain access to organs. Lastly, it is argued that dead bodies can be of advantage because the organs can be used to save lives of the sick. On the other side, commercialization of transplants has its disadvantages. Firstly,
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