Commentary On Otherwise- Cilla Mcqueen

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Commentary on Otherwise- Cilla McQueen The poem "Otherwise" by Cilla McQueen portrays a long distance relationship between two lovers and the problems they share. The title "Otherwise" is very significant to the poem and contributes to what we can learn about the speaker and the person she is addressing. Also the setting is very interesting as it shows a contrast in the lives of the speaker and the person she is addressing. The enjambment in the poem shows the pain in the relationship and the troubles the couple are facing. We can see that the lovers are seemingly blocked by their physical distance as well as their emotional distance. The setting of the poem is situated in different places to show the distance between the two lovers. The speaker seems to be from a place where there is calm and quiet like countryside or the coast while the person she loves stays in a contrasting place like a city. "I watch often not traffic or television" This conflict of settings shows the conflict in the relationship between the two lovers and the pain they are facing. In the second stanza though, the setting shifts to a beach on the coast with the ocean breaking in. This romantic setting changes the mood of the poem from sadness to a more amorous tone. This setting shows that how the speaker wants to reconcile. She wants no distance between them, physical or emotional. The ocean setting represents the distance between the two lovers and how they actually are very far apart. The visual imagery in the poem also shows the conflict between the two and the void they share. The images like "I watch often not traffic or television but hour by hour the huge tide absently fingering rocks and small shells" show the physical distance between them and the way they are separated by contrasting countries. Images like "where big chained rocks hold back the same Pacific Ocean, lumbering in." shows
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