Cold War: Preventing The Spread Of Communism

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Cold War and its Impact Essay Containment is what the United States and the United Nations used to prevent the spread of communism. Two examples of this are the Truman Doctrine and the Korean War. In these two cases containment was very successful. The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by President Harry Truman on March 12, 1947. It stated that the U.S. would aid Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling to “outside pressures” or communism. $400 million of American money was sent to these countries. This is because after WWII many countries were in great debt from keeping up with the war efforts. Communism was looking better to countries with poor economies and militaries. This was a successful form of containment because from the aid of the U.S., Greece and Turkey did not become communism. Lastly, the aid allowed these two countries to build up their economies and militaries and later on join NATO, a military alliance that guarantee their protection.…show more content…
Southern Korea was occupied by the U.S. and became a capitalist state. Northern Korea was occupied by the U.S.S.R. and established a communist government. The war began on June 25th, 1950 when North Korean forces invaded South Korea to force a communist government on them. In reaction to this the United Nations declared war on North Korea (88% were U.S.A. soldiers). After three years of fighting and the borders shifting back and forth, the war ended back at the 38th parallel. This was a successful form of containment because even though the war ended where it had started, communism did not spread to South
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