Classroom Management Essay

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Student Diversity and Classroom Management “Classroom management refers to those activities of classroom teachers that create a positive classroom climate within which effective teaching and learning can occur” (Martin & Sugarman, p.9, 1993). Classroom management is a critical focus of effective instruction as effective teaching and learning cannot take place if the classroom is not conducive to learning. Students can become disorderly and disruptive if the classroom is not managed by the manager (teacher). When the classroom is poorly managed, the result is teachers struggling to teach and the students usually learning much less than in a well managed classroom. A well run classroom provides the environment for teacher and student learning. There are many strategies that can be incorporated into the classroom management plan to ensure that learning is taking place for all students. The educator must decide what strategies will work for their diverse classroom and plan ahead to include these strategies and communicate the expectations to the students. Harry Wong's Pragmatic Classroom Classroom procedures and routines assist in providing a classroom environment that is safe, predictable, and well run. Procedures and routines must be communicated to the students on the first day of school to ensure success of this classroom management strategy. Wong, H. (1998). Teaching students the procedures for everything that the teacher wants done will enable the teacher to have more quality teaching time and less time spent on disruptions in the classroom. Classroom procedures allow many different activities to take place efficiently during the school day, allowing for several at the same time, with a minimum of wasted time and confusion. Wong, H. (1998). Classroom procedures is a management strategy that can be used for all students, whether elementary or

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