Church Teachings of Jesus and the Significance for Christians

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1. Examine the Church’s teaching on the life and work of Jesus in one historical context Jesus was a 1st century religious leader who lived 2,000 years ago. Born to the Jewish faith in Nazareth, he proclaimed to be the, “Son of God” and was the founder of Christianity. However, religious authorities rejected such a claim, for example the local Roman authorities saw him as a threat to power and consequently executed him, through the help of one of Jesus’ twelve disciples Judas, at the age of 32, on a cross in between two other criminals. Christology is the study of the person and the nature of Jesus Christ and Christological claims are those that regard the life, work and nature of Jesus, which are central to the Christianity due to his centrality to faith due to his teachings and expressions of the word of God. The ambiguities within scripture in the New Testament (which studies the life and work of Jesus) led to debate in the early Church between Christians regarding the nature of Jesus, for which there are many theories. For example “Docetism”, which is the belief that Christ seemed human but was actually divine, “Adoptionism”, which is the belief that Jesus was born a man like any other and was adopted by God at his time of baptism by John the Baptist and finally “Marcionism”, which is the belief that Jesus came into the world from beyond, to teach and spread knowledge of the true God of Grace who is spiritual and separate from the physical world and to separate this from the other, false God who has led many astray into worshipping him. The historical background of the early Church involves the controversies and disagreements regarding high Christology, which emphasizes the divine Jesus, and low Christology, which emphasizes the life of human Jesus. One of the earliest Christological controversies was the Arian controversy, sparked by the priest who
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