Chimpanzee Essay

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Chimpanzee Behavior Essay It’s no secret that chimpanzees are one of the most adored and loved animals by many but have you ever taken the time to notice the impeccable similarities that they have to us humans? Well there are numerous traits they we share since we stem from primates and there is no doubt that chimpanzees are our oldest living relatives. As you read along, I will share with you how incredible and fascinating these mammals really are and the homogenous traits we share. Chimpanzees can not speak like we do, but they do have other ways of communicating to each other. They do this by making grunts, screaming, and barking. This mainly stems from their emotional state, for example, happy, angry, fear, excited, etc. For instance when a chimp finds some food, they jump through the trees, “hoot” loudly and beat on the trunks of the trees letting the others know that there is food accessible. Chimpanzees don’t always communicate with their vocal cords, they also use hand gestures, facial expressions, and with their body posture. By making a “display”, a male chimp will run around and scream to intimidate another chimpanzee. It’s very similar to male human, as they try and bulk up and yell if they feel threatened and scare off someone. With new technology in the 1960s, scientists worked with chimps to teach them various different languages, specifically sign language. Lana was a chimpanzee that learned how to use symbols on a computer keyboard that allowed her to ask questions. She could ask for music, which she seemed to like classical, company and interaction, (she loved being tickled) and food. On June 11, they had a break through with Lana when they tried an experiment on her by switching her normal food to cabbage. She responded with abstract words that she didn’t want the cabbage, and they discovered that she and other chimps were able to

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