Chevron vs Exxon

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Chevron Vs Exxon Chevron In 1879, Chevron Corporation started at California under the name “Pacific Oil Company” and later was acquired by Standard Oil Company. It was also known as “Socal” and in 1933, Saudi Arabia granted Socal a concession to search oil. A subsidiary emerged and become the ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company) in 1944. The Saudi government started buying this subsidiary in 1973 and in 1980 it was entirely owned by Saudi Arabia. In 1984, Gulf Oil and Socal merged and because of the antitrust regulation, Socal divested many of Gulf’s operating subsidiaries, and some Gulf refinery and stations in the eastern U.S. Socal know was named as Chevron Corporation. After 2000, Chevron has acquired many companies such as Texaco, Unocol Corporation and Atlas Energy expanding its energy domains in oil, gas and geothermal areas. Chevron employs around 62,000 people worldwide, half of them in the U.S. It has a marketing network in 84 countries and owns the “Standard Oil” trademark. This company has made many strategic alliances for gasoline for testing vehicles with General Motors, Toyota and ford. Chevron is the owner of Shell in the United States and also has also a subsidiary, Chevron Shipping Company that provides maritime transport operations. According to Fortune Global 500 it is listed on the 10th place, the Financial Times Global 500 ranks it as in the 9th place and Forbes Global 2000 in the 16th place. Exxon Mobil This company evolved from a local marketer of kerosene in the U.S. to the largest publicly traded petroleum and petrochemical company in the world. The Standard Oil Company in Ohio was founded by Rockefeller and associates in the 1870. A subsidiary in New Jersey (Jersey Standard) appeared in 1879. In 1966, Mobil celebrated their 100 anniversary, changing its name to Mobil Oil Corporation. Meanwhile the
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