Chester Nimitz Biography

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Chester W. Nimitz was born at Fredericksburg, TX on February 24, 1885 and was the son of Chester B. and Anna Nimitz. Nimitz's father died before he was born and as a young man he was influenced by his grandfather Charles H. Nimitz who had served as a merchant seaman. Attending Tivy High School, Kerrville, TX, Nimitz originally wished to attend West Point but was unable to do so as no appointments were available. Meeting with Congressman James L. Slayden, Nimitz was informed that one competitive appointment was available to Annapolis. Viewing the US Naval Academy as his best option for continuing his education, Nimitz devoted himself to studying and succeeded in winning the appointment. Arriving at Annapolis in 1901, he proved an able student and graduated with distinction on January 30, 1905, ranked 7th in a class of 114. Assigned to the battleship USS Ohio, he traveled to the Far East. Remaining in the Orient, he later served aboard the cruiser USS Baltimore. In January 1907, having completed the required two years at sea, Nimitz was commissioned as a ensign. Leaving Baltimore, he served on several destroyers during 1907, including USS Decatur. While conning Decatur, Nimitz grounded the ship on a mud bank in the Philippines. Though he rescued a seaman from drowning in the wake of the incident, Nimitz was court-martialed and issued a letter of reprimand. Returning home, he was transferred to the submarine service in early 1909. Promoted to lieutenant in January 1910, Nimitz commanded several early submarines before being named Commander, 3rd Submarine Division, Atlantic Torpedo Fleet in October 1911. Ordered to Boston the following month to oversee the fitting out of USS Skipjack (E-1), Nimitz received a silver Lifesaving Medal for rescuing a drowning sailor in March 1912. Leading the Atlantic Submarine Flotilla from May 1912 to March 1913, Nimitz was assigned to

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