Cherry Orchard Essay

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REFLECTIVE STATEMENT QUESTION: What are the aspects discussed in the interactive oral, which deepened your understanding of the cultural and contextual elements in the work? WORK USED: The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov. Through the discussions held in the Interactive Oral, various key aspects were highlighted and brought to our attention by the members of the group. The main aspects raised were that of the theme of 'Modernity vs Old Russia', the difference between the different social classes, the idea of escapism and nostalgia, and finally the circular plot that revolves around the work. One of the main aspects identified in the discussions was that of the change that was observed with time, such as the transformation, from the aristocracy and noblity of 'Old Russia', to the more rational, secular and materialistic 'Modernity'. Cultural futility was evidently observed, as there were futile attempts of both, the aristocracy to maintain its status, and of the 'bourgeoisie' to find meaning in their new found money. Another important and highly-discussed point was that of the Transformation of the Social Classes that took place, the downfall of the aristocrats, and the uprising of the Serfs. Thus, at this point when the work was written, there was a moment of class instability. Furthermore, the emancipation of the Serfs in 1861, discussed by my fellow members in the group, allowed former Serfs to gain wealth and status, while some aristocrats became impoverished. This was where the tables turned. The idea of escapism and nostalgia in this work was also deeply discussed. A nd one character taken into deep consideration was Madame Ranevsky, and her illusions. Her failure to address problems facing her estate, the Cherry Orchard, and family meant that she eventually loses almost everything and her fate can be seen as a criticism of those people who
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