Character Analysis

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“Character Analysis Paper on the Mother in ‘Everyday Use’” The story “Everyday Use” was written in 1973 by Alice Walker. The story is about a woman cleaning up her home and getting ready for her daughter to come home to visit her and her younger daughter. The mother is always used to saying yes to the daughter and giving her what’s she wants because she wants to be liked by her. By the end of the story, the mother finally develops the courage to be able to stand up for herself and learns that in life, you do not need to be up to the standards of other people just to get their approval, and that you need to stay true to yourself. Three traits of the mother that stood out in this story was insecurity, spiritual and hardworking. The mother in “Everyday Use” is an insecure woman. Even though her youngest daughter Maggie already approves of her as who she is already, the mother wants to be more like what her daughter Dee wants her to be like in order to get her approval. You can see this in the beginning of the story when the mother talks about the dream that she had when her and Dee would come together on a TV show, not being herself of course, but being who Dee wishes she was. “But of course all this does not show on television. I am the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like uncooked barely pancake. My hair glistens in the hot bright lights” (Walker 852). Here we can see how the mother expresses how her daughter wishes she really was, instead of how she really is. In this next example, Dee tells her mother that she no longer wants her name that has been given to her and that has been in the family for generations, in which her mother doesn’t disapprove of. “’Well,’ I say. ‘Dee,’ ‘No, Mama,’ she says. ‘Not Dee, Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo!’ ‘What happened to Dee?’ I wanted to know. ‘She’s dead,’ Wangero said. ‘I couldn’t bear it

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