Canoe Trip Essay

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Trip of a Life Time Have you ever been canoeing before? My friends and I found it to be a good idea to go on a spontaneous canoeing trip. We all agreed that this is the perfect way to spice up our boring summer days. We were soon to find out this is what we needed to put a little zest in the last high school break of our life. Mark, Ricky, Matt, and I all met at Frankie’s new house to hook up the canoes and set our journey. We pulled up in the parking lot of the Brandywine Museum and unloaded the canoes and equipment there. We decided that Frankie, Ricky, and I were going in the one canoe, and Mark and Matt in the other. While we struggled to get in, I looked over and saw Matt and Mark shaking around and just tip over. Our canoe started to laugh and laugh but when it was our turn to get in the laugh for them would be greater. As we tried to get in, I held on to a hanging tree and while I was hanging, our canoe tipped and Frankie, along with Ricky fell in the water. Both canoes lost almost everything we brought for the trip. All our food and water floated down the river. We only managed to recover a ham and cheese Lunchable and a Gatorade. It was hysterical, and yet at that point I realized it was going to be a long day. As we finally got situated, we were coasting down, at the time, gentle waters of the river. Little did we know there were a few obstacles we were going to have to overcome. While complaining, yet still laughing about our lack of food we came across very shallow waters. Failing in my attempt to row, I yelled to Mark “Let’s just use the grabbling hook and drag them through.” He agreed and that’s what we did until the waters got some what deeper. After about an hour or so of decent travels Ricky decided he had to go to the bathroom. He for some reason just didn’t go in the nasty, dark green water. He instead went up on a hill to the side of the
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