By the End of Elizabeth’s Reign the Privy Council Was the Most Powerful Part of Government. Discuss.

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By the end of Elizabeth’s reign the Privy Council was the most powerful part of government. Discuss. The Privy Council was an elite group of men, selected by Elizabeth on the basis of political competence and ability, who rapidly became Elizabeth’s most trusted and loyal servants. Their role was to advise Elizabeth without challenging her authority, and although Elizabeth faced occasional opposition from them and other parts of her government, ultimately she remained the most powerful part of the government throughout her reign. The Privy Council was an important part of government as it was responsible for the day-to-day running of the country. It had free reign over making decisions in its administrative role, and often a quasi-judicial role. It supervised the Queens accounts and authorised every act of expenditure by the Exchequer and ordered officials small and great in the provinces. This meant it was a very powerful part of government, as it had control and access to not just the administrative running of the country, but to the monarch and the decisions she made. As Sloane described it, the ‘council was the indispensable hub of the entire machinery of government’. However, this powerful group of men, were managed by an even more powerful woman. And despite their authority, Elizabeth made sure they would never be more powerful than her. By learning from the mistakes of previous monarchs, Elizabeth never allowed any single individual have a monopoly of power. She purposefully appointed councillors that held opposing views such as Cecil and Dudley, to ensure that they would not unite and overrule her but also in order for her to receive well rounded advice from different views in order to help her make strong and solid decisions. The Privy Council, being the Queens source of information and advice, did make them a powerful part of government as they were
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