Business Law Essay

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Business Law Case Study Issues 1. Bruce and Charles – Is Charles acceptance of the offer valid? 2. Bruce and Audley- Is there a valid contract between Bruce and Audley? 3. Bruce and Michelle - Can Bruce Michelle sue Bruce for breach of contract? 4. Bruce and James Lee- Is the contract between Bruce and James Lee void? 5. Bruce and Hotel- Can Bruce sue the hotel for breach of contract? Bruce and Charles Is Charles acceptance of the offer valid? The issue in this situation is that the acceptance letter for the sale of the Town house arrived late and Bruce is contemplating whether he should sell it to a 17 year old or Charles. The principle of the postal rule states that where the parties contemplated acceptance by post, acceptance is completed when it is posted, even if the letter is late or lost in the post. In this case, the letter was posted on October 29 and it was received November 4 after the deadline for acceptance. So although acceptance was late acceptance was posted before the deadline. In a similar case Household Fire Insurance Comp vs. Grant. Grant applied for shares in the company and sent a letter of acceptance but it never arrived. The company later went into liquidation and Grant was called upon to pay the amount outstanding on his shares. It was held that he had to do so. There was a contract between the company and himself which was completed when the letter of acceptance was posted, regardless of the fact that it was lost in the post. Bruce and Audley Is there a valid contract between Bruce and Audley? In the case of Bruce and Audely where Bruce offered to sell Audley his Country house for $25M but Audley thought that the price was too much and told him he would pay $20M. The principle of offer states that an offer can be terminated in several ways, but in this case the offer was terminated when Audley made a counter offer. A

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