Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Different Versions of ‘Moon River’. How Are Holly’s Real and Imagined Identities Constructed by the Different Versions of ‘Moon River’ Heard in the Film?

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Option A: Analyse the narrative and ideological roles of music and sound in a 2,000 word close reading of the following scene. Breakfast at Tiffany’s, different versions of ‘Moon River’. How are Holly’s real and imagined identities constructed by the different versions of ‘Moon River’ heard in the film? Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) directed by Blake Edwards and based on the novel by Truman Capote, follows the life of ‘New York socialite’[1], Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn), and her developing relationship with struggling writer Paul Varjak (George Peppard). The focus of this analysis is the means by which the pop scoring of Breakfast at Tiffany’s assists in the portrayal of Holly as having two distinct identities during the film. The music was composed by Henry Mancini, the lyrics to Moon River written by Johnny Mercer, the two went on to win a plethora of Academy and Grammy awards for their work on the film. Mancini includes a combination of monothematic variations of Moon River and jazz scoring into the film which seamlessly layers a moral continuity on both the narrative and the music by the time the film’s climatic moment is reached. The pop score sees the inclusion of seven other pieces of music during the film, most of these being diegetic and so providing less in terms of narrative function, as supported by Smith: ‘Moon River and Breakfast at Tiffany’s serve as the basis for most of the non-diegetic underscore and thus are the most important cues in terms of the music’s narrational functions’[2]. Mancini’s isolation of Moon River as the main non-diegetic score constructs unity within the narrative that is easily identified even by the casual viewer. The narrative function of each variation of the theme become more apparent and therefore encourages analysis of their elective and virtually mandatory parameters which are all pertinent in

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