Blindness in King Lear

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Blindness is normally defined as the inability to see out of your eyes but according to Shakespeare, blindness is not a physical quality, but a mental flaw some characters have. Blindness is the most dominant theme in the play King Lear. King Lear, Gloucester, and Albany are three examples of blindness in this play. Each of these characters blindness was the initial cause of the bad decisions they made, decisions which all of them would eventually regret. The blindest of all was obviously King Lear and because of Lear’s high position in society, you would think he would be able to determine the good from the bad but unfortunately, his lack of sight prevented him to do so. Lear’s first act of blindness came at the beginning of the play. First, he was easily fooled by his two oldest daughter’s lies. Then he was unable to see the reality of Cordelia’s true love for him and as a result, banished her from his kingdom. Lear’s blindness also caused him to banish one of his loyal followers, Kent. Kent was able to see Cordelia’s true love for her father, and tried to protect her from her blind father’s foolishness. After Kent was banished he created a disguise for himself and he was eventually hired by Lear as a servant. Lear’s failure to determine his servant’s true identity proved once again how blind Lear actually was. As the play progressed, Lear’s eyesight started to become clearer. He realized how wicked his two oldest daughters really were after they locked him out of the castle during a dreadful storm. More importantly, Lear saw through Cordelia’s lack of flattering and realized that her love for him was so great that she couldn’t express it into words. Unfortunately, Lear’s blindness ended up costing Cordelia her life and his life as well. Gloucester was another example of a character who suffered from an awful case of blindness. Gloucester’s
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