Black And Decker

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The Black & Decker Corporation (A): Power Tools Division 1. Why is Makita outselling Black and Decker 8 to 1 in an account that gives them equal space? perceived by tradesmen to be lacking - color scheme of products make it seem like its consumer grade tools and not professional. feel they will be laughed out of workplace. poor brand perception in tradesmen segment, poorly differentiated from lower grade consumer segment, permeation of b&D in consumer segment tarnishes brand perception (popcorn maker, toaster oven make it seem like power tools aren't manly enough) 2. What, if anything, do you learn from B&D’s consumer research? - need to understand why b&D in bottom half of brand perception in FIgure C, is it related to performance of B&D tools? tool analysis found that 7 of 14 products were assessed as leaders and can stand in market, permeation into households in consumer segment has messed with brand perception 3. Joe Galli’s objective is “to develop and gain corporate support for a viable program to challenge Makita for leadership” in the Tradesmen segment. To gain support, the minimal share objective would have to be “nearly 20% within three years, with major share ‘take-away’ from Makita.” How realistic is this? 4. If Galli decides to pursue Option 3 (the “build share” strategy), what actions would you recommend he implement? Remember you have at least three audiences to please: the end consumer (Tradesmen), retailers, and B&D top management. - utilize dewalt name and endorse with service and warranty from b&d, use yellow color scheme to establish differentiation. implement with highest quality tools first could be unintended consequences from pulling b&D name from professional market, could take more than 3

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