Bipolar Disorder Survey

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Bipolar Disorder Awareness For my survey I chose the topic bipolar disorder. My best friend since the seventh grade was diagnosed with bipolar disorder last year and I wanted to learn more about this terrible mental illness to better understand her. I completed my survey on Survey monkey; I choose eight different questions that could determine the general awareness of bipolar disorder. A total of 60 people have completed my survey. I posted the web link of Survey monkey on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter and gather my results through “friends”. Overall I think my results are pretty surprising. Below is the web link to view the results to my survey. It’s obvious that…show more content…
Surprisingly enough 41 people claim that they do know someone with bipolar disorder. The other 17 individuals said no or I don’t know. It amazes me how all of these people do know someone with bipolar disorder. A total of 70.69 % of the people who answered my survey are very familiar with the disorder because of the fact that they personal know someone who has this illness. For years I have believed that bipolar disorder was so rare that it would be considered a miracle if you knew someone with this mental illness. This question will help me significantly on my paper because it gives me the general idea that many people are involved with bipolar disorder on a daily basis. Immediately after the second question I asked people out of these choices which are bipolar disorder symptoms. For this question I made a list of random symptoms and some symptoms of bipolar disorder and watched while my participants clicked on the symptoms they thought were a part of the mental illness. I included the options yes, no, and maybe; the reason I added maybe was to see how sure people were about the symptoms they chose. The ones that are symptoms of bipolar disorder are…show more content…
The results from question number 5 conclude that 29 people know a female and 14 people know a male who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The remainder 17 people didn’t know or answered no they do not know someone with bipolar disorder. For question number six I immediately asked if the participants thought that more males or females were diagnosed. I wasn’t surprised to find that most of the participants chose both. 46.67% of the people who answered my survey chose both had the same chance which is true. 36.67% chose females and the remainder 16.67% chose males. Then I asked my participants what age someone is most likely to develop bipolar disorder. 60% chose 18 to 40; this is also correct. I was surprised to see that 21 people believed that 0 to 18 was when people were diagnosed. And 5% believed that you weren’t diagnosed with the disorder until you were over 40. This new information leads me to believe that most people thought that you develop bipolar disorder at a young age. The final question I asked was if bipolar disorder is a serious problem. I was shocked to see that two actual people put no for that question when it is so obvious that bipolar disorder is a serious issue. Luckily
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