Biological Theory Of Schizophrenia Essay

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterised by 'abnormal' thought processes, psychomotor problems, lack of motivation, and disturbance of affect. SCH consists of a variety of symptoms and is extremely complex. It is believed to be a series of separate disorders that have been placed under this diagnosis. Currently there is not one explanation that can completely explain the cause of why schizophrenia happens, however there are many approaches from both biological and psychological areas that attempt to explain it. One of the biological theories of schizophrenia is the Dopamine Hypothesis. This is a biochemical explanation that suggests the disorder is caused by an excess of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. The main evidence for this has come from studies on both living and post-mortem brains of sufferers from schizophrenia, and also from observations made during drug therapies. This theory acts as one explanation of how the genetic theory may work, in that certain genes that…show more content…
This technique allowed researchers to see and identify different areas of the brain using radioactive glucose. Studies such as by Wong et al. (1986) who provided support for previous investigations, as results showed that in the brains of live patients with schizophrenia, the dopamine receptor density in the caudate nuclei was greater than that seen in a control group. Evidence for the dopamine hypothesis comes from research into drug influence dopamine levels in the brain. In healthy patients, these drugs induce effects similar to Parkinson’s disease. Amphetamines seem to increase the level of dopamine in the brain and research has shown that giving amphetamines to sufferes of SCH often worsens their symptoms. A problem with studies carried out into levels of dopamine and SCH is that they are carried out post-mortems. Because of this we cant say if the increase in dopamine is a cause or effect of
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