Beta Dude Essay

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1) Based on the first three paragraphs of the case, explain Beta Management Company's (BMC) investment strategy. Is it compatible with market efficiency theories? BMC’s Investment Strategy To enhance returns and reduce risks is a 0,0000 0,0000 -0,1000 0,0500 0,1000 0,1500 -0,2000 -0,3000 -0,4000 Vanguard Index 0,2000 y = 1,1633x - 0,0195 0,1000 Brown Group -0,1000 -0,0500 0,0000 0,0000 0,0500 0,1000 0,1500 -0,1000 -0,2000 Vanguard Index Betas California REIT Brown Group, Inc. 0,1474 1,1633 Conclusion: Brown is riskiest as it has a higher beta. 5) Calculate the standard deviation of a portfolio composed of 99% invested in Vanguard and 1% invested in California REIT. Do the same for a 1% investment in Brown Group. What do you conclude? Explain the result. The standard deviation of the return of a portfolio composed of securities A and B, with respective weights wA and wB, is given by the following formula: SDwArA + wB rB = Var ( wA rA + wB rB ) = 2 2 wAVar (rA ) + wBVar (rB ) + 2wA wB Cov(rA , rB )) where Cov(rA , rB ) = ∑ (r t =1 T A − rA )(rB − rB ) T −1 . SD1%California+99%Vanguard = 4,5680 p.p. < 4,6063 p.p. = SDVanguard SD1%Brown+99%Vanguard = 4,6143 p.p. > 4,6063 p.p. = SDVanguard We conclude that it is possible to diversify away part of the risk of the Vanguard Index by adding the California security to the portfolio. As the beta of the security is lower than one, it was to be expected that, for some weights of the California stock, the risk will be diversified. We have not determined, however, what is the optimal weight for reducing total risk - it could be higher or lower than 1%. We also conclude that if we include the Brown security, the overall risk of the portfolio increases. This is to be expect for all possible positive weights, as the beta of the security is

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