Bed Alarms and Patient Falls

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Quality Improvement Project on Bed Alarms and Patient Falls
Martine Langley
University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Every year many older adults sustain a fall with or without injuries. In fact one in every three adults that is 65 years old and older makes up this population according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A fall is any event when a person has an unintentional loss of balance that causes unexpected contact with the ground. These falls can be observed or unobserved (Kalisch, Hee Lee, & Tschannen, 2011). Falls in the elderly can cause all kinds of injuries and are responsible for many of the brain injuries older adults. Falls are the primary cause that older adults are admitted to hospital and this increases the need for medical services. The older the person is the more likely the fall will end up in death, the need to be in a long-term care facility or be put in a nursing home to recover. Not only does a fall cause physical problems but it can cause psychological issues for the individual. The fall itself causes the older adult to develop a fear of falling and impacts their everyday life. This fear could cause the individual to limit activities, which leads to lowered physical fitness. With the older adult not getting proper exercise, will in turn increase their actual risk of falling. Patient falls in hospitals will always be a major and costly problem. In 2008, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made a new payment guideline on inpatient falls for Medicare to follow. This new rule is that Medicare will no longer pay back hospitals for care and treatments that are related to falls that happen during hospitalizations (Inouye, Brown, & Tinetti, 2009). The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) felt that this would encourage hospitals to provide both quality and efficiency to patient
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