Beach Burial Essay

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Through his use of form and technique, Slessor conveys evocative idea of enduring value in ‘Beach Burial.’ Discuss 1 ½ spaces Length: 1 ½ pages Due Tuesday At least two insertions of critical commentary Kenneth Slessor, a modern avant garde poet, uses form and technique to convey the idea of enduring value in ‘Beach Burial.’ ‘Beach Burial’ is an anti-war poem. It is in elegy form. An elegy is a poem which mourns for the dead and this is a poem for the soldiers on the battle fields. The poem is set in El Alamein and was written in 1942 when Slessor was a journalist. This poem shows the impact of loss of human life in war. Slessor struggles to find the meaning of our life. The first line of the poem ‘softly and humbly to the Gulf of Arabs’ shows reverence to the dead soldiers. ‘Softly and humbly’ is a reference to the washing of the ocean and it also is creating a mood. The word ‘convoys’ is irony and tells the readers that there were a lot of dead people not just one or two bodies. ‘At night they sway and wander in the waters far under, But morning rolls them in the foam,’ is imagery of the dead soldiers being washed ashore. ‘Morning rolls them’ is personification. The second stanza begins with onomatopoeia, ‘sob and clubbing of the gunfire.’ This reinforces the war situation. The word ‘pluck’ is animal imagery and shows the unemotional side to war. Alliteration is also used with the words ‘bury…burrows.’ The last word of the second stanza ‘nakedness’ shows how vulnerable the soldiers and the loss of dignity they are getting when they die and their bodies are lying upon the beach unclothed. The religious imagery and biblical illusions of the third stanza, ‘And each cross, the driven stake of tide-wood,’ shows how Jesus died to save us and the soldiers are doing the same. The ‘cross’ bares acknowledgement of a person but no identity. The words, ‘bewildered
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