Bankruptcy In The Film 'Maxed Out'

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Theron Poe Intro to Psychology America has a debt problem. Everyone knows it. Over extended. Late payments. High interest rates. Foreclosure. Bankruptcy. The divide between the very rich and the very poor is getting wider. In 'Maxed Out', documentarian James Scurlock points the finger at predatory lenders for this phenomenon and breaks down exactly how many Americans are sucked into this vicious cycle of escalating, insurmountable debt. Interspersed throughout the film is a vintage 1950s vignette, featuring the character 'Mr. Money', as he explains the intricacies of money management and the concept of credit to two high school students. At one point Mr. Money explains that credit is based one three things: Character (the personal character and integrity of the person being extended credit), capacity (the ability to repay the credit extended) and capital (the collateral against which credit is extended). And it is upon these very principles that most credit card companies ensnare their 'prey'. One segment in the film featured Mike, an investigative journalist who…show more content…
There is 'The Professor', from Harvard, Elizabeth Warren who passionately grapples with the idea that Banks and Congress (of 2005) are not interested in fixing this problem, but rather solidifying it with tougher backruptcy legislation. There is 'The Lawyer', David Szwak that reminds us that the standards and practices are decidedly different for the have than they are for the have-nots. There is Robin Leach 'The Voyeur', who reminds us that everyone wants to have more, be king for a day, and that is why everyone is always looking up, and in many cases living beyond their means. 'Maxed Out' tells its audience lots of things that the general public already knows. There are lots of things that we just accept as fact, as shown in snippets through a wry stand-up comic in his playfully routine about excessive over-draft fees. It entertains and
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