Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay

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Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii, was attacked by Japanese torpedo and bomber planes on December 7, 1941, at 7:55 a.m. Hawaii time. The sneak attack sparked serious outrage in the American people, government and the world. On December 8, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the American Congress and the nation to tell everyone about the attack. When talking, the president asked Congress to pass a declaration of war. Congress said yes, voted and passed the U.S. Declaration of War on Japan, on the same day. And that was how the America's entered into World War 2. The attack took place on a sunny Sunday morning. A small amount of soldiers were on duty when the attacked happened. Most offices on the base were closed and many servicemen were…show more content…
Effective cryptography and successful cryptanalysis were not as advanced as they are now back then. Not enough money, under-manned, inexperienced and under-equipped, cryptanalysts had been ordered to concentrate on Japanese diplomatic traffic, rather than naval messages. I America had paid better attention they would have really seen that the Japanese were getting ready to do…show more content…
Japan needed natural resources, especially oil, for its planned take over. The Japanese had successfully invaded Manchuria in 1931 and China in 1937. Japan's hatred toward America had been growing for a long time. The United States' being in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and America's refusal to accept Japan's authority in occupied China fueled Japanese hatred. Imperial Japan's sphere of interest in the far western Pacific was being threatened by America's being in the Pacific at the very point in history when Japan itself was trying for dominance in the
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