Assess the Importance of Tv Debates in Us Presidential Elections [15]

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Assess the importance of TV debates in US presidential elections [15] Many critics of TV debates would argue that they are not greatly important. Contemporary commentators now argue that presidential debates, since their conception have had any serious impact on the outcome of any election. For many of the general population, the debates will have very little effect because they think that hours of dialogue does not make for good TV, a key example of this is John Kerry who was widely regarded as having won all three of his debates in 2004 against George W Bush but did not receive a bump in opinion polls. Another remarkable factor of the presidential TV debates is how news outlets and the media have a tendency to highlight a specific moment, often a gaffe, and make this the top story, such as George HW Bush repeatedly looking at his watch making him appear bored or as if his time was more important elsewhere. All the debates offer is an opportunity to see a President laid bare without the constant media spin and give the American public an opportunity to decide what to focus on. Despite this, however, the tradition of debating between presidential candidates has many fans for a number of reasons. One key reason is that Americans are not offered the opportunity to see regular presidential scrutiny unlike the UK where ministers are grilled weekly, therefore this gives the electorate a prime opportunity to see how a candidate deals with pressure and whether they can debate effectively. These debates also offer a rare chance to see true political straight talking – an opportunity so often denied to so many Americans, one common host chooses the topics of the debate in private and allots time rigidly, not allowing the audience to make any noise in reaction to what the candidates say. With methods like these ranting is kept to a minimum and destroys any scent of
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