Assess Representative Realism

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Representative realism Representative realism is a modified version of direct realism. This particular ideology also accepts that the external world, and the physical objects it contains, exists. However, unlike naive realism, this belief suggests that we have no direct access to any of the physical objects we happen to perceive. Representative realism argues that when you look at an object, you are actually seeing the representation, not the object itself. So there is a 'veil of perception' between the actual object and its representation. Between the perceiver and object, there is 'sense data'. It is the sense data that gives us the knowledge and understanding of the physical objects that surround us. Our sense data is an idea that gives us a representation of the world. In this essay I will look at the strengths and weaknesses of this belief, and come to conclusion on whether I think it's an ideology that should be taken seriously. Representative realism is based around the idea of 'sense data'. Sense data is assumed to be an idea that gives us a representation of the world. The idea is that the secondary qualities of an object, such as smell, taste and sound isn't within the object itself, but just a product of our sense data. Unlike an object, sense data is non-physical, private and subject to illusion/error. So if sense data does actually exist, we cannot be sure of it's accuracy. Representative realism suggests that there is a veil of perception between an object and its representation. This is very problematic as it means that we have no way of determining that our sense data or our idea of the particular object is accurate. For example, if we were locked inside a cinema with no access to the outside world, we would assume that what we are shown on the screens are accurate representations of the real world, but then again we can only assume as we have
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