Assembly Line Balancing Problem

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Assembly line balancing problem belongs to the class of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, for several decades line balancing took attention of researches who are trying to find the solutions for real world although tremendous works that have been done the gap still exists between a research and real problems. In this paper provides a survey cover about 50 papers that used mathematical modelling in solving line balancing problems then finding out the mathematical model that can provide further work by modifying it. 1 INTRODUCTION An assembly line consists of a number of workstations that are arranged through a material handling equipment where tasks are assigned, and the workpiece is moving from one station to another until the final product is produced.…show more content…
Each task has a specific time to perform called processing time and the workstation time is the sum of all processing times of all assigned tasks. The tasks must follow the precedence constraints that represents physical restrictions in assigning them into workstations, and these constraints can be illustrated by using precedence diagram. From the first day that Henry Ford developed an assembly line for a mass production, the researchers are seeking for the optimal way to assign all tasks without violating assignment constraints such as: occurrence, precedence, positive or negative zoning, synchronism, distance and finally positional that is called Assembly Line Balancing Problem (ALBP) (Dolgui & Battaı 2013). For instance, line balancing is used to level the workload across all workstations and how to arrange it to increase productivity, remove bottlenecks and reduce idle
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