Archaic Classical Essay

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How Does The Author Compare Archaic Greek Style To Classical Greek Style? Archaic Greek style was the time period from the seventh century BC (around 650 BC). At this time, the Greeks were developing techniques and analyzing older civilization of Egypt and the near east. On the other hand, Classical Greek style was the time period from the Persian war till the end of the Peloponnesian war. The author Susan Woodford compares archaic Greek style and classical Greek style by explaining their history and showing their different sculptures. Archaic Greek style was based on the Egyptian statues made from stone. Therefore, the Greeks implemented the Egyptian method of carving and the system of proportions. Archaic Greek style involved balanced statues, facing straight forward avoiding poses containing twist, turns, or bends. However, the adventurist Greeks started to transform the traditional statues by having the head slightly turned and the hip raised. The adventurist Greeks, made the statue come to life by making those slight adjustments to their sculptures. Classical style was an exclusively new kind of life-like statue that made viewers to look at the statue in a new way. For example, made viewers ask what was the statue doing? Is he moving or is he still? The sculptors of the classical style had more detailed in there sculptures. They would stress about the characterization of the god or men they represented in the statue. In addition, the stress of making objects of beauty, this was a challenge. In archaic style symmetry and repetition of shapes was made to create beauty. The archaic style was out of date because the classical style would include severe movements most of the time were placed in the middle of an action and unbalanced symmetrically. According to the author the difference between the archaic style and the classical are many. Archaic style was a

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