Anglo-Saxon vs Middle Ages

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Kyle Smith Mr. Andrews English IV 27 March 2014 The times of comitatus and chivalry played an essential part in setting the stage for the subtle evolution of western culture. Both ages are very distinct, but also are quite comparable to one another as well as present times, which can be supported by the documentation of these times in fictional stories such as Beowulf, from the Anglo-Saxon Era and The Canterbury Tales, from the Middle Ages. This may be due to the strong presence of Christianity throughout the times, especially in post-Anglo-Saxon years. The Anglo-Saxon era was more honor-based with strong belief in brotherhood and loyalty (hence why the idea of comitatus is such a symbol of their culture), surrounded by mixes of both paganism and a bit of Christianity; whereas the Middle Ages gained most of it’s culture form the feudal system, the concept of chivalry, and again, Christianity. It’s easy to lose sight on just how heavily Christianity has influenced western society since the middle ages, but it can run as deep as our traditions, moral code, and even language. Often times when turning in research, you must site your sources in a bibliography. Biblio means book and is derived from "Bible." Our society follows the 10 commandments whether it is majorly Christian or not because over the years, the principles and values of Christianty has been taught by parents and even schools for better or worse, making what's "right or wrong" more of what's "Christian or not." One of the most perceived values of the Anglo-Saxon Era was loyalty. This is portrayed in Beowulf part II by Wiglaf, a follower of the King. “Let us go to him; Help our leader through the hot flame; And dread of the fire.” (387-389, Heaney) refers to his stout determination to stay by the side of Beowulf to the very end, even if it meant imminent death. He cursed the cowardly thanes

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