Analysis Of 'To Ban Or Not To Ban' By Dennis Baron

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K. V. ENG 101 3/31/14 To Ban or Not to Ban In Dennis Baron’s, Don’t make English Official- Ban it Instead he is insisting that instead of making English the official language of the United States, we should just get rid of it altogether. In his small article he manages to whip up six small arguments to convince the readers of his ludicrous proposal. Rather than actually convincing the readers, his points are unclear, sometimes confusing and unsatisfying. In the end he doesn’t actually set up a solution for his readers, and leaves them with the whole “so what was the point,” feeling. Through his poor perspectives and unfocused essay, I am far from convinced that English should not be the official language but banned.…show more content…
How odd, I was only aware that there is one kind of English? Maybe that’s because there is. In his example Baron refers to English, as many different languages in one. There are not many languages in one however, there are many forms of dialect and accents. A dialect is a particular form of language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group such as a local language or regional language. The English that is practiced in Britain is more of a dialect; they use words that may seem odd or different from the ones that are practiced in the U.S. Even if they practice different words, phrases or speeches it doesn’t mean that they cannot be understood or what they are saying is wrong. It is just a different form of speaking that not all can do. The English of Chicago or New York are both distinct yet, these are accents, these are not different English’s. The language is the same but the way words may be spoken can be less understood if you are not from the same area. If dialects and accents are different English’s then what about those who have lisps or who stutter? Do they also speak a different English? The fact that one language can be spoken in many different ways is truly beautiful, so why ban something for such an…show more content…
Isn’t that the exact reason why we should keep it or make it official in the first place? Yes Latin, Greek, and Indo-European are languages that aren’t as commonly known anymore however that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist at all. Greek is spoken by 99% of the population in Greece and even though it originated in Rome, Latin is still spoken just very little.. The languages are still being taught and researched by universities and historians around the world. Maybe the languages are dead, but they are not extinct, numbers just have lowered

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