Alternative Minimum Tax Essay

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acc613 full course [ all discussions and all week assignment Problem ] latest Click Link Below To Buy: week 1 How might you apply the tax knowledge that you will acquire in this course? What business or personal situations might require tax knowledge? What factors increase the benefits of accelerating deductions or deferring income? Under what circumstances can these accelerations or deferrals be used. Provide examples of each in your discussion. week 2 Compare and contrast realization of income for income tax purposes with recognition of income for financial accounting purposes. Gambling losses are miscellaneous deductions not subject to the AGI floor. Explain why this…show more content…
Discuss the pros and cons of such a tax and whether you think it accomplishes the purpose for which it was designed. Include references to any tax code or publications that you use for your answer. There are several business expenses not allowed as deductions for tax purposes as a matter of public policy. Discuss several of these expenses and the implications for companies or individuals doing business in countries with different laws and/or cultural norms regarding business transactions. Include references to any tax code or publications that you use for your answer. week 4 Explain why the tax laws required the cost of certain assets to be capitalized and recovered over time rather than immediately expensed. How does this reasoning compare with the reasoning for financial accounting purposes? Include references to any tax code or publications that you use for your answer. Why are capital gains and dividends taxed at a different rate than ordinary income? Has this always been the case? Discuss the economic and social implications the changes in tax rates for capital gains and dividends. Do you think the existing policies are fair? Why or why not? Include references to any tax code or publications that you use for your…show more content…
You must show your work, with notes on how you completed the problem. Specifically, indicate which items you did not include in your calculations because they were not taxable and explain items that are excluded or limited. An example of a completed tax template and the related Form 1040 and schedules are available under Resources>Course Materials>Course Add-ons. Demonstrations are available in the module readings and Course Materials. week 5 Details: Complete the Individual Tax Return Problem #5 in Appendix C. Download the appropriate tax forms from the IRS website, Make sure you download the forms for the tax year in your assigned problem in Appendix C, 2011. If the forms for that tax year are no longer available, you can find prior year forms by entering “2xxx Forms” in the search box. This will guide you to a page that says “Prior Year Forms”. Click on this to get to the forms for your appropriate year. Include the necessary supporting schedules and supporting documentation. Demonstrations are available in the module readings and Course Materials. week 6 Details: Complete the following homework problem at the end of the

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