All Men Are Created Equal

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The word “justice” does not simply mean equality of outcome. Justice is defined as “the administering of deserved punishment or reward” , a big word in the definition is “deserved” which today is mistaken with “entitled”. Entitled is the giving of claim to something while deserved is something that is justly or rightly earned. Today a ridiculous idea has arose in the area of justice and the jumbled up definitions of what is deserved and what people are entitled to. This idea is that the reason some people are poor is because others are rich. With this having arisen, the thought that wealth redistribution will bring justice has come to grow, when all people need to avoid poverty is freedom and not more government intervening. Equality definitely plays a big part in our society as it gives everyone an equal chance to succeed. Everyone in the courtroom is treated equally and those who are rich are treated no different, but this doesn’t mean that everyone should have equal amounts of wealth. Biblically, this idea of everyone having equal amounts of wealth is not supported once. God does not give everyone equal gifts. Some people may be better than others at one thing and to a higher degree than others, but everyone has received a blessing from God just in different ways. The parable of the landowner in the bible is a perfect example of justice. A landowner needs help working his fields one day so he highers a few men at nine o’clock with the agreed payment of one denarius. The landowner highers more men at ten, eleven and noon and even some in the late afternoon. At the end of the day the landowner begins to pay his agreed amount of one denarius but the men who began working earlier in the day are upset at this because they see it unfair to be getting a less amount per hour. The landowner simply explains their earlier agreement and the fact he has the right to do what

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